Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Step 3 (..slowly getting there!)

Doomed to fail and I'm not the first;
Neither will I bring down the curtain.
Surely one - somewhere?
Not out of this lot.

Saftey in numbers then,
Black brings white into view after all.
We're helping, I'm sure.
- Bamboo words, as if He needs a contrast!
True diamionds sparkle on the shelf and in the mud - there's no room for Rasputin theology here.
The lines are redrawn and the chasm widens.

Bad news, then. Still.
It must be game over this time.

With the hills in sight the spotter would do well to stay vigilant -
There's only one way out from here.
Red ink flows off the seat for the last time,
Drop by agonizing drop.
New covenant, new contract - now written on hearts. Stone wasn't strong enough.
No signs and no signatures, but deliverance?
You bet.
The goat's not coming back this year.

No longer an exchange rate but a rescue package!
And it took a lot more than a parachute to slow my descent:
I can see the ropes on those things; no data required for this decision.
Blind? Maybe. Necessary? Without doubt.

But it's his deal, his headlines.
I just stand here amazed,
Not even I could seek out column inches for this one.

Here today, gone and thrown on the fire by morning;
Without the rain at any rate.
No boasting from the grass, yet growth continues on the promise that more is to come.
Why? Well that's the cloud's prerogative.

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