Monday, 18 August 2008

16 Steps from Rome

I have a new project. On the advice of Eugene Peterson (of The Message fame) I'm going to try and tap into my creative side by writing some poetry. I'm reading Romans at the moment so I've decided to try and write a poem inspired by each chapter and see what the end result looks like. Here goes with the first offering...

No excuses.
Power so great that the world cannot keep the secret;
Naturally divine.
God-stained landscapes, God-stained seas, God-stained skies but top story - the God-man
The I.d. badge says 'David's'
He knew different and mercifully so now do we.
Good news, then, to start.

No excuses.
Truth known, Way and Life seen and accepted
We're good to go, right? I've got work to do, a name to make
God's frame; my fame. He'd like that I'm sure
Time for the clay to shine.

Taken for a ride by a local dealer and what an exchange rate!
Creator for created; Clarity for confusion; the Man upstairs for the boy next door
The loose change provides no comfort:
Soiled remnants that stain the pockets and spread like a disease.
So it's his fault why I'm like this!
Critcism rings hollow on thoughts of how I'd have responded.

Bad news, then, as it stands.

1 comment:

Tim Sandell said...

located! loving the poem, keep them coming